Introducing MUTS Illustrations
My name is Robert Muts, born in Amsterdam and living in Limburg for more than 20 years. I work as a photo, video, animation and graphics specialist at De Limburger in the Netherlands.
I have previously made many illustrations for Dagblad De Limburger, companies, organizations, hospitals, municipalities and various books. In my spare time I make nearly every day one or more drawings, sketches or watercolor paintings, mostly of landscapes, animals and plants. I also work with various techniques such as pencil, charcoal, watercolor, gouache, acrylic or digital. Also, I hardly ever avoid any topic as long as it doesn't harm anyone.
Besides my drawing and painting, my favorite activities are mainly cooking, travelling, reading, building websites and love to walk and look around. I also practice my aikido techniques weekly.
The main motivation for my artwork is mainly that I am and remain interested. I like to look around me, listen to radio programs and watch documentaries.
I like to travel but my favorite country is France.